
Revc= 3.600 Ohm
Fo= 71.647 Hz
Sd= 36.320 cm2
Vas= 3.263 Ltr
Cms= 1.742m M/N
Mmd= 2.707m Kg
Mms= 2.833 g
BL= 2.743 T·M
Qms= 1.843
Qes= 0.610
Qts= 0.458
Levc= 10.574u H
No= 0.190 %
SPLo= 84.810 dB
Alp6 – No copper cap
Revc= 3.600 Ohm
Fo= 73.097 Hz
Sd= 36.320 cm2
Vas= 3.335 Ltr
Cms= 1.780m M/N
Mmd= 2.537m Kg
Mms= 2.663 g
BL= 3.014 T·M
Qms= 1.785
Qes= 0.485
Qts= 0.381
Levc= 63.574u H
No= 0.260 %
SPLo= 86.166 dB
Please remember these are pre-production results from 2 sample units. Provided the beta testers like the sample drivers, I normally expect to get the mass production units close to the samples. All the same, there’s likely to be some small variations in the results so bear this in mind – thanks.
But with the 6s it seemed much clearer which we all preferred.
Having said that it was an interesting test as we tried one of the drivers (the copper cap one I think) in two different cabinets. One looked like a small ported box – the brown, driverless pair in the front of the photo above. It was beautifully made and sounded pretty good, but the other (on top of the stand in the photo) sounded much better. It was vented at the base so looked like a small version of my Pencils but Mark said there was a baffle inside too. This produced a much fuller sound that was really impressive for such a small driver without making it sound at all muddy or bloated.
Comparing the two versions of the 6s was then done using the vented cabinet. We started with the copper cap version and I was surprised at how good the sound was. It was nicely balanced with decent bass and clear treble and would be perfect for a high end small office/room/desktop system.
When we swapped to the no copper cap version I found the results a little disappointing. The higher frequencies were quite rolled off so it seemed rather flat. Compared to typical commercial speakers of it’s size I’m sure it would score very well, but having just listened to the cap version it really didn’t sound very special at all. (Sorry, Mark!).
On the Alpair10s I could see a good reason to produce both models but, personally, for the 6s I felt the copper capped version sounded so much better than the non-capped one that I’m not sure it would make sense producing both. Maybe there are different setups or applications where the non-capped version would have an advantage, but in the setup we used (the vented box with a lower power tube amp) I would definitely choose the capped version.
New Alpair6の発売を楽しみにしております。